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SHOP THERAPY AIDES (for clinicians)


LIVeConnected Therapy and LIVeConnected Therapy Aides believe people can continue to learn and grow as much as they desire. We partner with mental health clinicians in creating clearer pathways to ideas and relational understanding.  We believe learning happens best when experiences are created and when people are in safe enough environments to be their authentic selves.  We hope to be encouragers to all who seek to live with stronger connections.


Adapted from Virginia Satir’s original Parts Party instructions, The Satir Model, pg. 188


Party Guide = Therapist

Party Host = Client

Parts Party Experience 1


  1. The Guide and Host prepare for the party. Consider for a moment that your “self” is made up by many parts.  You have parts you love, parts you find useful, and some parts you may even dislike. With character cards in hand, flip through the cards to familiarize yourself with each character while considering with which you most identify.

  2. The Host prepares to send out party invitations to guests. Identify two parts of yourself which you really enjoy.  Choose a character card that best represents each of the identified parts. Take a moment to get acquainted with these beautiful parts of yourself. 

  3. Identify two parts of yourself which you find useful and practical in some way.  Choose a character card that best represents each of the identified parts. Take a moment to get acquainted with these helpful parts that are available to you when you most need them.

  4. Identify two parts of yourself which you dislike.  Choose a character card that best represents each of the identified parts. Take a moment to get acquainted with these identified parts that may serve you well in some situations, but overall cause trouble in your life.

  5. The Host gets reacquainted with guests before their arrival. With your chosen character cards laid out. Consider the personalities of each of the parts.  Sort through the adjective cards to find the word or words that best describe each character. Match the words to the characters.

  6. The party begins. Initiate the party by telling stories about each part and how those parts show up in your life. The Host should pay special attention to identifying the primary feelings experienced by each part.

  7. The guests get to speak. Now the Host should say to all the parts, “Please tell me who here feels the most misunderstood?” Notice which one responds.  And now ask the one who feels most misunderstood, “What is your positive purpose, the gift you bring to me?” Listen to the answer. And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of this part’s gift.

  8. Say to the remaining five parts, “Who among you feels the most misunderstood?” And ask the one who responds, “What is your positive purpose, the gift you bring to me?” Listen to the answer. And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of this part’s gift.

  9. Say to the remaining four parts, “Who among you feels the most misunderstood?” And ask the one who responds, “What is your positive purpose, the gift you bring to me?” Listen to the answer.  And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of this part’s gift.

  10. Say to the remaining three parts, “Who among you feels the most misunderstood?” And ask the one who responds, “What is your positive purpose, the gift you bring to me?” Listen to the answer.  And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of this part’s gift.

  11. Say to the remaining two parts, “I’ve welcomed the other parts to this table; I’d like to welcome you, as well.  Please tell me, one at a time, the gift you bring to me.” Listen to their answers. And notice that the others understand and appreciate the importance of the gifts these parts bring.




Lay your character cards in a circular pattern where their corners overlay with each other.  Consider this circle, your circle of gifts. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in the middle of the circle of gifts, and allow this inner team, to merge in the center of your heart, breathing it into your lungs, your bones and blood stream. Speak out loud, “There are no bad parts. All parts are me and serve a purpose. There are no bad parts.”


With your eyes still closed, place your hand over your heart to anchor this new integration.  And you can let the feeling you have now, as your hand rests on your chest, take you all the way into your past, to just before you were born. Consider a time before you had a body, when you were just spirit, and all was good and without fear. And now, with this integrated feeling rooted deeply within your essence, gently bring it forward through all the branches of your family and years of your life to this present moment. Now, take 2 minutes to invite the wisest part of who you are to gently unfold this new integrated picture of who you are into your future.


As you let your hand lift from your heart, notice what your life will feel like from now on with this integration totally within you.


(626) 487-8875


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